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HTML stands for Hyper Text Markup Language. HTML generally used to  create  static web page.HTML is the basic for all the web applications. HTML5 is the latest version of HTML. HTML is a markup language not a programming language.

The HTML5  tutorial on Techtuts provides an explanation from the basics to advanced concepts. This tutorial provides good understanding about the HTML5 for Technical, Non-Technical People, College Students and Working Professionals. Given an examples are an easy to grasps and simple to practice by yourself.

In this tutorial you will grasp about the HTML and HTML5. This tutorial includes  an introduction, Basic Structure,  HTML Elements, Head Elements, Body Elements, List Elements, Objects and Image Elements, Block Level Elements, HTML semantic tags etc.


HTML acronym for Hyper Text Markup Language. it is mostly and world-wide used for creating static webpages.

HTML elements are the constructing blocks of HTML pages. With HTML constructs, images and other objects such as interactive forms may be embedded into the rendered page. HTML gives a means to create structured documents by indicating structural semantics for text such as headings, paragraphs, lists, links, quotes and other items.


HTML can inserted programs written in a scripting language such as JavaScript, which influences the behavior and content of web pages

Basic Structure Of HTML

<!DOCTYPE html> 