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Python - Introduction

Python is powerful programming language and less complexity to understand. Python is also an object Object Oriented Programming language. Python is an interpreted, high-level, general-purpose programming language. Created by Guido van Rossum and first released in 1991.

The Python tutorial on Techtuts provides an information about Python and Python 3 from the basis to high level. This tutorial provides a good understanding about the Python and Python for Technical, Non-Technical People, College Students and Working Professionals. Given examples are an easy to write and simple to practice by yourself.

In this tutorial you will learn about the  Python and Python3. This tutorial includes  an Introduction, Python Environment Setup, Variables, Data types , Control flow Statements, Loops, Functions, Data Structures, Modules ,Files, Classes, Python Web Frameworks etc.


Python's syntax is being  naturally, It is easy to understandable. Python interpreter and libraries are freely available for most  often platforms. It is also easy to extends to new functions or modules implemented by C and C++  Programming languages.


Python convert human readable code to machine readable code at run time.

High-level language.

Programming code lines are written by simple understandable English language.

General Purpose

Python is cross platforms support. it runs on all the environment. There is no platform restriction.

Python's Design

Python's design philosophy emphasizes code readability with its notable use of significant white space. Its language constructs and object-oriented approach aim to help programmers write clear, logical code for small and large-scale projects.

Features Of Python

  1. Simple to use
  2. Extensible
  3. Interpreted and compiled
  4. Interactive with components
  5. Object Oriented Programming
  6. Artificial Intelligence
  7. Easily Coupled
  8. Easy to Understand
  9. Memory Management