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Node.Js Tutorial

Node.Js is server side JavaScript platform build on Google Chrome's JavaScript Engine. Most of the companies are developing their applications with Node.js, for example You Tube, Yahoo, Paypal etc. Node.js applications are written in JavaScript and can run with any OS(Operating) under Node.js runtime environment.

The Node.Js tutorial on Techtuts gives clarification about the Node.Js from the fundamental concepts to improved concepts. This tutorial provides good understanding about the Node.Js for Technical, Non-Technical People, College Students and Working Professionals. Given an examples are an easy to understandable and an easy to practice by yourself.

In this tutorial you will grasp about the concepts from start to end. This tutorial includes an introduction, features, Node Package Manager, Environment Setup, Callbacks, Event Emitter, Modules, Filesystem, Streams, Buffers, Rest API Creation etc.


Node.Js is as an opensource, Cross platform for developing web applications, networking applications and API for Mobile Applications.Node.js applications are written in JavaScript and can run with any OS with Node.Js runtime environment.

Node.Js is mostly used for realtime applications and  API Services Application for both mobile and web applicaions. Node.Js app runs in a single process, without creating any new thread for every request.

Mandatory Skills

skills in JavaScript, TypeScript

Features of Node.Js

  1. Asynchronous and Event Driven
  2. Cross platform support
  3. Simple Fast and Scalable
  4. Single Thread Multiple Process
  5. Run JavaScript on server side