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Angular Tutorial - Angualr CLI and First app

Angular is an application design JavaScript framework and development platform for developing and well organised worldly-wise used Single Page Applications (SPAs)

The Angular tutorial on Techtuts gives clarification about the Angular from the fundamental concepts to improved concepts. This tutorial provides good understanding about the Angular Framework for Technical, Non-Technical People, College Students and Working Professionals. Given an examples are an easy to understandable and an easy to practice by yourself.

In this tutorial you will grasp about the concepts from start to end.This tutorial includes  an introduction, features, components, directives, Data binding, event binding, animations, templates, services, routing etc.

This tutorial  gives guidelines to setup angular on your local and angular Cli  commands. It  gives also about how to create your first angular app.

Agular Environment Setup

For your  info, to install angular, you need to install Nodejs and npm first. 

learn more about installing node js visit Node.Js tutorial - Setup

After installing nodejs, you can use the node package manger(npm) to install  Angular CLI

npm install -g @angular/cli

Agular CLI  Commands

ng new

Creates new  angular project

ng new [name]

ng n [name]

name  is name of the project.

For Windows

D:\tts-angular>ng new my-first-angular-app
D:\tts-angular>ng n my-first-angular-app

for linux

techtuts@techtuts-mylaptop:~/tts-angular$ ng new my-first-angular-app
techtuts@techtuts-mylaptop:~/tts-angular$ ng n my-first-angular-app

ng  serve

 To run the  angular app

For Windows

D:\tts-angular>cd my-first-angular-app
D:\tts-angular\my-first-angular-app> ng serve

for linux

techtuts@techtuts-mylaptop:~/tts-angular$ cd my-first-angular-app
techtuts@techtuts-mylaptop:~/tts-angular/my-first-angular-app$ ng serve